Welcome To Sample Site 2

What to Expect
Visiting a church can be stressful. We've all been where you are right now. So we are striving to make your visit to our congregation a rich reward for the stress of the first-time visit. We want to do our part to minimize the potential stress of your first visit. (Read More)

Our Location
Sample Church
17 Main St.
Harbor Town, MI 48160
The worship entrance is located just off of the Main street. When you arrive at the Mainstreet entrance, you will find guest parking in the front to your left. As you enter the building, the worship space ... (Read More)

About Worship
Sundays 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
Wednesdays 7:00 p.m.
We are grateful to have you join us for our worship gathering. Our services are reverent and casual. (Read More)

Children's Ministry
The spiritual formation of children is a top priority of our congregation. We believe there is no greater key to a child's physical, mental, and emotional development than a close relationship with Jesus. We want children and their parents to know that Jesus cares deeply for them. (Read More)